Field Trip Request Form

Staff must obtain administrative approval by submitting this form at least two weeks prior to prospective trips.

*This form is accessible via mobile devices. However, desktop devices are best for optimal functionality. An inoperative “submit” button indicates that some form fields are missing or typed incorrectly. Desktop devices will describe any necessary corrections that hinder submissions, but mobile forms do not have this function.
Step 1. Complete and save the Mainspring Academy Field Trip Request Form

(Laptops/Desktop Only)


Step 2. Obtain approval of your preferred trip date(s) from Transportation Staff in order to complete the upper right-hand corner of the Field Trip Request Form. Your request is incomplete if this section is left blank or you have not first received approval from Transportation staff.

Step 3. Upload your completed Request Form to receive final approval from Administration.

I understand that my trip is neither approved nor denied until I have first received an approval from transportation staff, then received a final approval from administrative staff. I understand signed parental permission forms, and, if applicable, liability waivers and costs for any students participating must be collected within a minimum of one week prior to the trip. I understand that after obtaining signed parental permission forms, I am responsible for logging names of: providers attending the trip; chaperones, volunteers, or guests attending the trip, students NOT attending the trip, and the students ARRIVING TO and LEAVING THE SITE with their chaperone.