Preliminary Student Information

Thank you for scheduling a tour of our school. Please answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability*, to help us better understand how your child performs as a student. This form is to be completed as a requirement prior to your scheduled tour.

*This form is accessible via mobile devices. However, desktop devices are best for optimal functionality. An inoperative “submit” button indicates that some form fields are missing or typed incorrectly. Desktop devices will describe any necessary corrections that hinder submissions, but mobile forms do not have this function.
Date of your scheduled tour

I understand that I must contact Mainspring Academy immediately by phone or email if I will be late, if I must reschedule, or if I must cancel my tour. I understand after a 10-minute grace period, late arrivals will result in immediate cancellation of my tour. I understand the School will not be able to accommodate any additional parent schedule changes after two instances of cancellations, two instances of rescheduled tours, or any instances of no-call, no-shows. I understand that these requirements are also applicable in the event that I choose to schedule an observation for my child after my tour.
Student Information

Date of Birth
School Information

Does your child have a current IEP?       
Is your child eligible for any state-funded scholarships?       
If YES, have you begun the application process?       

Document Upload

A copy of your child's IEP will be required by the date of your scheduled tour to help us better understand how they perform as a student. If your child does not have an IEP, a copy of their psychological evaluation will be required. Please upload your documents below.

Family Information

New Student Parent Questionnaire

Please fill out the below survey as accurately as possible. This survey will be used to determine appropriate classroom placement and support needed. The survey will not determine a child's eligibility as a student at Mainspring Academy.

Rating Scale
0=Not true at all (Never,Seldom)
1=Just a little true (Occasionally)
2=Pretty much true (Often, Quite a bit)
3=Very much true (Very often, Very frequently)
Student Behavior Profile

1. What are the behaviors of concern? For each, please define how the behavior is performed, how many times it happens per day/week, how long it lasts, and the intensity in which it occurs (low, medium, high)