MAINSPRING ACADEMY: March 2023 – Mainspring Academy staff pledged to “Spread the Word on Inclusion” with Special Olympics Florida, to advocate for inclusion not only in school athletics, but in clubs, workplaces, schools, and communities. Our students and staff also celebrated their favorite stories for Read Across America Day!
Parents, Summer Camp/Extended School Year applications with deposits will be due no later than Wednesday April 5, 2023 by 3:00pm. These are posted as well on the Parent Corner of our Website under “Extended School Year” along with all relevant due dates.

Please visit our Parent’s Corner for all forms listed below as well as all due dates, closures, and events for the 2022-2023 school year.
Monday, April 3rd – Tuition Due by 3:00pm
Tuesday, April 4th- Open PAC Meeting in the Cafeteria. 9:15am
Wednesday, April 5th- Extended School Year (Summer Camp) Contract & Deposit Due
Friday, April 7th- School CLOSED for Good Friday.
Friday, April 14th-Spring Intersession (May 9-12) Deposit Fee & Contract Due
Monday, April 17th –Extended Care and Tuition Fees Due by 3:00pm
Saturday, April 22nd – Saturday Service Day for National Volunteer Week 10am-3pm
Friday, April 28th- Spring Intersession (May 9-12) Full Fee Due
Friday, April 28th – Special Olympics Baseball & Track/Field
May 1st-5th, 2023- Teacher Appreciation Week

Tuesday, April 4th– Open Parent Action Committee (PAC) Meeting , 9:15am in the cafeteria
Saturday, April 22nd – Saturday Service Day for National Volunteer Week – 10am-3pm. Email Sabrena at [email protected] to be put on the volunteer roster!
Saturday, April 28th – Special Olympics Baseball and Track/Field– 11am-2pm. Keep an eye out for the SignupGenius!
Summer Camp Supply Wishlist– Keep an eye out for the link!
Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

April 3rd
Ms. Lisa–
April 10th
Mr. Jonathon–
April 16th
April 26th
April 30th

Click here to view the schedule!
If you are interested in donating funds to our school, please click here. If you are interested in donating items to our school, please click here. If you are interested in volunteering at our school, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!