December 2023 – Mainspring Academy and adaptive music teacher Dinah Frilling were thrilled to host their first annual Winter Music Performance. Students presented their favorite Holiday songs they had been practicing during weekly music classes. (Video Below)
December was full of holiday festivities as students walked the halls through staff Christmas Villages, enjoyed cookie recipes from all around the world for World of Cookies for Santa Day, and gathered treats at all of the fun stops at our annual Polar Express event. Thank you to our staff, families, and Parent Action Committee for helping to bring Mainspring events to life!
Don’t forget Friday, January 26th is our Special Olympics Basketball and Flag Football Event. 10-15 Volunteers will be needed to run stations and help take scores. Please see the “Volunteer” section below to sign up!
Registration for our parent fundraiser Miles for Mainspring 2024 is now OPEN until Wednesday January 24th! We are raising funds to help maintain our adaptive physical education program. We are still in the process of finalizing our sponsor list, daily prize list, and this year’s t-shirt design, so please expect those updates on the event page soon! We are so excited to be #makingourstepscount for another awesome year! Register NOW>

- Monday, January 8th- Students return to school
- Tuesday, January 9th– Open Parent Action Committee (PAC) Meeting 9:15am at Mainspring Academy
- Thursday, January 11th – Mid-year parent participation hour totals and reminders will be sent out
- Monday, January 15th – School Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Wednesday, January 24th – Miles for Mainspring 2024 Registration Closed
- Friday, January 26th – Special Olympics Basketball and Flag Football. (Volunteers Needed)
- Wednesday, January 31st – Intent to Re-enroll 2024 Forms Due
- Wednesday, January 31st – Last day for Miles for Mainspring additional raffle-entry donations
Questions or missing any forms? Check Quickschools! Many questions and requests can also be submitted in the Parent Corner of our website! More Information (Quickschools)> More Information (Parent Corner)>

Ms. Liz M. –January 5th
Adam – January 9th
Ms. Dina – January 9th
Killian – January 16th
Austin – January 23rd
Mainspring Academy has been awarded a Fall grant from HEAL Foundation to help us enhance our playground! We are so excited to be able to provide some new equipment to help our students regulate, unwind, and have fun during recess!
On behalf of the Mainspring Academy community of parents, staff, and supporters, thank you for the compassion and commitment you have shown for our students and school. It is the kindness of our donors and volunteers that has helped us to expand in size and quality, furthering our mission to provide quality, individualized education in a safe learning environment for students with intellectual and developmental differences who are often missed.
Thank you for the differences you make.

Hello, It’s me again, Benny the Manatee! I’ve had a wonderful Winter Break making lots of fun memories with my family. Now, I’m ready to go back to learning!
Don’t forget Monday, January 15th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Have you ever heard of Mr.Jim Letherer? He was an amputee and cancer surviver who marched all 54 miles from Selma to Montgomery while on his crutches next to Dr. King. Jim told reporters “You see the world through a different perspective when you see it from a wheelchair or on a pair of crutches. You look for things that happen to the underdogs, the long shots, those who have to beat the odds just to get the little things that other people take for granted”. There is a life-sized statue of Jim Letherer in a Selma Museum memorial. As we celebrate Dr. King’s legacy, we reflect on how his leadership and influence in the Civil Rights movement gave strength to the Disability Rights movement and the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act almost 30 years later!

A few friendly reminders:
(1) All volunteers NOT listed as a student’s parent, guardian, or sibling must complete a Volunteer Application to be kept on file. More Information>.
(2) If seeking parent participation credit, all volunteer hours must be reported via Parent Participation Credit Request Form. More Information>.
There will be a Parent Action Committee (PAC) Meeting Tuesday, January 9th at 9:15am in the Mainspring Academy Cafeteria to discuss Black History Month and Miles for Mainspring! Parents interested in joining our volunteer event/holiday planning team can access meeting dates, topics, notes, signups, team updates, and action-day group messaging! Join our Parent Action Committee (PAC) (via Mobile or Desktop App)>
Our two Special Olympics events for the year have been scheduled! Volunteers will be needed from 11am-2pm at the duPont YMCA 7373 Old King’s Rd S, Jacksonville FL 32217 on January for Flag Football/Basketball and April for Track/Soccer. Details on dates and times in the following link. Get on the list>
Curious about Mainspring Academy’s needs and how to support us through donations, pledges, or sponsorships? Check out our Ways to Give Page. More Information>
Exciting News! Check back towards the end of August! Link to Mainspring Store Coming Soon!