jacksonville special education

Bourbon and Bites 2022

Registration for Bourbon and Bites 2022 ends will end with the purchase of 35 seats! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! If you are already registered, or cannot attend, but would like to make a donation to Mainspring Academy’s tuition hardship program, please CLICK HERE.

WHAT: Mainspring Academy’s Board of Directors invites you to enjoy premium whiskey paired with a four-course dinner prepared by Fish Camps’ executive chefs. Bourbon and Bites 2022 will benefit Mainspring Academy’s tuition hardship program, which provides families with financial challenges funding to pay for their child’s specialized education.

WHEN: Bourbon and Bites 2022 will take place, Thursday, April 28, 2022, from 6:00pm EST to 9:00pm EST

WHERE: Julington Creek Fish Camp, Top Floor, 12760 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville, FL, 32233

CONTACT: Please contact Sabrena Snow, Director of Student and Community Affairs at [email protected] or (904)503-0344 for more information about Bourbon and Bites 2022.

March 2022 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: February 2022 – Mainspring Academy students danced the day away and celebrated friendships with a fun Valentines Day Sockhop and Val Pal gift exchange.

During Random Acts of Kindness Week February 14th-21st, 2022, we set the #MilesForMainspring2022 7-Day Virtual Step Challenge, a parent-led fundraiser to support the $10,000 goal for music therapy for the 50 special education students at Mainspring Academy. 50 total registrants participated in the event and 23 successfully completed the 7-day 10,000 step challenge! Thanks to our registrants and amazing event sponsors, we surpassed our fundraising goal. Mainspring awarded seven daily prizes for event winners and announced participant – Officer Kenny Smith – as the winner of the $1,000 Disneyworld Orlando Grand Prize.


Tuesday, March 1st – 2022-2023 Enrollment Contracts and half of 2022-2023 registration fee due

Wednesday, March 2nd – Read Across America Day (Students and staff are encouraged to dress up like their favorite storybook or comic book characters (or with t-shirts representing their favorite storybook or comic book characters))

Friday, March 11th- SCHOOL CLOSED to students for Teacher Planning Day

Monday, March 14th – Friday, March 18th – SCHOOL CLOSED to staff and students for Spring Break

Tuesday, March 29th – Spring Picture Day Group 1 – TBD

Wednesday, March 30th – Spring Picture Day Group 2 – TBD

Monday, April 1st – Intersession (May 9-13) Registration fee and contract due

Friday, April 8th – Intersession remaining fees due

Monday, April 11th – Summer Camp (June 27-July 22) – Registration fee, contract, and application due

Friday, April 15th – SCHOOL CLOSED to staff and students

Monday, April 18th – SCHOOL CLOSED to students for Teacher Planning Day

Saturday, April 23rd – Saturday Service Day for National Volunteer Week (10am-3pm) – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

Sunday, April 24th – HEAL Autism Walk at the Jacksonville Zoo, 7:30am – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Click here for more information.

Friday, April 29th – Special Olympics Track and Field (12:00pm-2:00pm) – VOLUNTEER GROUPS NEEDED (from 11:00am-2:00pm) – duPont Family YMCA 7373 Old King’s Rd S, Jacksonville, FL, 32217


Tuesday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 30th – (1) parent needed to help facilitate Spring Picture Day (9:00am-12:00pm).

Saturday, April 23rd- Saturday Service Day for “National Volunteer Week”. – Volunteers will be needed to help touch up the school! This is a great opportunity for anyone that needs to make up parent participation hours. It is also a great opportunity for any families with employee, mission, sport, school, or other groups that need volunteer credit. In addition, we get many comments from parents who enjoy the opportunity to get to know other parents and staff and build a sense of community. We highly encourage families and staff to attend. Help will be needed in general school cleaning and organizing, painting, moving furniture, building furniture, patching holes, minor repairs, hanging décor, and helping any teachers who may need it in their classrooms. Please contact Sabrena at [email protected] if you or your group are interested in being put on the list! The next Saturday service days will be scheduled in July as we approach and prepare for a fresh new school year. Date TBD.

Sunday, April 24th – HEAL Autism Walk at the Jacksonville Zoo, 7:30am – Join Mainspring staff, students, and parents as we walk together to support HEAL Autism at the Jacksonville Zoo. This is not a Mainspring event, but HEAL has helped Mainspring provide trikes, classroom iPads for each teacher, sensory equipment, and funding for camp programming to our students through the years. If you are interested in walking with us to support our friends at HEAL, please register on their website here. (Registration may not open yet until closer to the event, but please keep checking and email [email protected] to let us know you’ll be walking with us!)

Friday, April 29th – Special Olympics Track and Field . 12-15 volunteers will be needed to run each station and calculate scores. Volunteers must be at the location no later than 11:00pm and help with cleanup at 2:00pm. Please contact Sabrena at [email protected] if you or your group are interested in helping!

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.


March 21st

March 25th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

February 2022 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: January 2022 – Mainspring Academy was featured in First Coast News’ “The Buzz” in preparation for the upcoming Miles for Mainspring 7-Day Virtual Step Challenge, taking place February 14th-21st, 2022. Athletes Aiden Postemski from Middleburg High School, former tight end Gary Barnidge of the Carolina Panthers and Cleveland Browns, Nick Washington of the Florida Gators, and Rutgers Scarlet Knight’s Isaiah Washington voiced their support for the fundraiser; and Mainspring Academy students and staff created signs encouraging supporters to “Make their steps count”.

#MilesForMainspring2022 7-Day Virtual Step Challenge is a fundraiser to support the $10,000 goal for music therapy for the 52 special education students at Mainspring Academy. Registrants who successfully complete their walks each day will be eligible to win a prize (valued at up to $200) in a daily raffle, and a grand prize (valued at up to $1,000) for completing all 7 days — with additional entries added for every $50 they raise in personal fundraisers for the school.

Registration ends Monday, January 31, 2022. CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION.


Monday, January 31st – Miles for Mainspring registration end date, extra t-shirt orders, and end date for Facebook Fundraisers/ alternative donation collections for extra raffle entries due by 3:00pm

Tuesday, February 1st Open enrollment for new students

Tuesday, February 1st Val Pal Questionnaire trade

Tuesday, February 8th- Friday, February 11th- NO SCHOOL unless enrolled in Intersession

Monday, February 14th- Schoolwide Val Pal Exchange, Valentines Day Sockhop, and Miles for Mainspring Launch Day – (Please wear “Miles for Mainspring” T-shirts (or Mainspring Academy school T-shirts if you don’t have one) AND your favorite socks)

Monday, February 14th-Monday February 21st, 2022 – MILES FOR MAINSPRING VIRTUAL STEP CHALLENGE

(Monday- February 14th – Day 1 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 1 raffle winner announced Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 15th – Day 2 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 2 raffle winner announced Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday- February 16th – Day 3 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 3 raffle winner announced Thursday afternoon.

Thursday- February 17th – Day 4 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 4 raffle winner announced Friday afternoon.

Friday- February 18th – Day 5 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 5 raffle winner announced Saturday afternoon.

Saturday- February 19th – Day 6 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 6 raffle winner announced Sunday afternoon.

Sunday- February 20th – Day 7 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 7 raffle winner announced Monday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 22nd- Grand prize raffle winner announced for registrants who completed all 7 days, by afternoon)

Monday, February 21st – NO SCHOOL for President’s Day

Tuesday, March 1st – 2022-2023 Enrollment Contracts and half of 2022-2023 registration fee due

Wednesday, March 2nd – Read Across America Day (Students and staff are encouraged to dress up like their favorite storybook or comic book characters (or with t-shirts representing their favorite storybook or comic book characters))

Friday, March 11th- SCHOOL CLOSED to students for Teacher Planning Day

Monday, March 14th – Friday, March 18th – SCHOOL CLOSED to staff and students for Spring Break

Tuesday, March 29th – Spring Picture Day Group 1 – TBD

Wednesday, March 30th – Spring Picture Day Group 2 – TBD


Monday, February 14th – Parents needed to help donate Valentines Day Decorations for Valentines Day Sockhop

Tuesday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 30th – (1) parent needed to help facilitate Spring Picture Day (9:00am-12:00pm)

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.


February 9th

February 10th

February 15th

February 26th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

January 2022 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: December 2021 – Team Mainspring closed out a magical 2021 by bringing back the annual Christmas Polar Express Pajama Party: Our school received a generous donation from Bamba Box that ensured personalized Christmas gifts for each of our students. Parent, staff, and community supporters worked together to support the memorable day “all aboard the Polar Express”! Additionally, Ms. Lindsay, our art teacher, led the students in creating homemade handsoaps to support Mainspring’s end-of-year “Gift Gram” fundraising. As we prepare for 2022, the staff, students, and families of Mainspring Academy would like to extend our gratitude to: Fortegra, The MaryEllen Willis Foundation, Looking Out Foundation, Autism Speaks, the Petway Family, and US Assure for their kindness and generosity in providing funding for SMART interactive whiteboard displays for each of our eight classrooms. Assistive technology will make a huge impact on the learning, participation, and overall educational experience of all of our students! We would also like to thank the Borkowski Family Foundation for their generous support of adaptive yoga at our school. By the 2022-2023 school year, Mainspring Academy is looking forward to furthering our mission by providing exciting additional programming and technology that is even more tailored to fit the unique needs of our students.


Saturday, January 1st – Monday, January 31st, 2022 Registration OPEN for Miles for Mainspring Virtual Step Challenge Parent Fundraiser to benefit a music therapy program at Mainspring Academy.
Register HERE today!!!

Monday, January 3rd – BACK TO SCHOOL

Friday, January 7th – Signed contracts and $50 deposits due (for February 8-11, 2022) Intersession

Friday, January 14th- Full payments due (for February 8-11, 2022) Intersession

Monday, January 17th – NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Friday, January 28th – Completed Val Pal Questionnaires Due from participating students and staff

Friday, January 28th – Intent to reenroll forms due

Friday, January 28th -CANCELLED-Special Olympics Flag Football at the duPont YMCA: 7373 Old Kings Rd. S, Jacksonville, FL, 32217. Event open to students and guests 12:00pm-2:00pm on the YMCA field (may be moved to the YMCA gym in case of rain or frigid weather). Students in attendance must participate in the event as there will be no staff at the school, nor staff available to sit with students. Students not participating must be picked up from Mainspring no later than 10:45am. VOLUNTEER GROUPS OF 10-15 NEEDED. Volunteers must be signed up with school coordinators and be available 11:00am-2:00pm (details below).

Monday, January 31st – Miles for Mainspring pledge forms and donation collections for extra raffle entries due by 3:00pm

Friday, February 4th Val Pal Questionnaire trade

Tuesday, February 8th- Friday, February 11th- NO SCHOOL unless enrolled in Intersession

Monday, February 14th- Schoolwide Val Pal Exchange, Miles for Mainspring Launch Day Parade and Ice Cream Social

Monday, February 14th-Monday February 21st, 2022 – MILES FOR MAINSPRING VIRTUAL STEP CHALLENGE

Monday- February 14th – Day 1 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 1 raffle winner announced Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 15th – Day 2 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 2 raffle winner announced Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday- February 16th – Day 3 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 3 raffle winner announced Thursday afternoon.

Thursday- February 17th – Day 4 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 4 raffle winner announced Friday afternoon.

Friday- February 18th – Day 5 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 5 raffle winner announced Saturday afternoon.

Saturday- February 19th – Day 6 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 6 raffle winner announced Sunday afternoon.

Sunday- February 20th – Day 7 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 7 raffle winner announced Monday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 22nd- Grand prize raffle winner announced for registrants who completed all 7 days, by afternoon

Monday, February 21st – NO SCHOOL for President’s Day


Friday, January 28th – Special Olympics Flag Football. 15 volunteers will be needed from 11am-2pm at the duPont YMCA at 7373 Old King’s Rd. S., Jacksonville, FL, 32217. Volunteers will be assigned to manage different individual skills stations, log scores, and total scores. This is a great opportunity for an employee volunteer project. Please email Peyton Esparza at [email protected] if you may be interested in volunteering.

Parent-led Fundraiser Planning – Parents may receive participation hours for raffle prizes and sponsorships secured for the February parent fundraiser.

Monday, February 14th – Parents needed to help donate icecream and toppings for Valentines Day Icecream Social

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

January 4th

January 9th

Ms. Dina
January 9th

January 23rd

January 31st

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

Miles for Mainspring 2022

Registration for the Miles for Mainspring 7 -Day Virtual Step Challenge ends Monday, January 31, 2022! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! (REGISTRATION CLOSED 1/31/2022 3:00PM EST)

WHAT: Walk 10K steps a day for 7 days to support music therapy for 52 special education students at Mainspring Academy. Jacksonville registrants who successfully complete their walks each day will be eligible to win a prize (valued at up to $200) in a daily raffle, and a grand prize (valued at up to $1,000) for completing all 7 days. #MakingMyStepsCount

WHEN: Miles for Mainspring begins Monday, February 14, 2022 at 12:00 AM EST and ends Monday, February 21, 2022 at 11:59 PM EST.

WHERE: This is a remote event. Registrants may join the Miles for Mainspring Facebook Group to submit their proof of steps (beginning Monday, February 14, 2022), as well as to receive event updates. If you do not have a Facebook account, registrants can submit their name and proof of steps to Peyton Esparza at [email protected].

CONTACT: Please contact Sabrena Snow, Director of Student and Community Affairs at [email protected] or (904)503-0344 for more information about Miles for Mainspring.


  • CLICK HERE for Miles for Mainspring 2022 Contest Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • CLICK HERE to create your Facebook fundraiser for additional raffle entries*.
  • CLICK HERE for Sponsor Pledge Letter and Forms for additional raffle entries*
  • CLICK HERE to make a donation on our website form on behalf of a registrant**.

* Donations must be submitted to the front desk, by mail, or online by Monday, January 31, 2022. Facebook fundraisers must end by Monday, January 31, 2022. **Registrants or sponsors must please email Sabrena Snow at [email protected] to let her know a donation is being made on the registrant’s behalf, in order to receive raffle credit.


Saturday, January 1st – Monday, January 31st, 2022 Registration OPEN

Monday, January 31st – Miles for Mainspring donation pledge forms and collections for extra raffle entries due by 3:00pm

Monday, February 14th-Monday February 21st, 2022 – MILES FOR MAINSPRING VIRTUAL STEP CHALLENGE

Monday, February 14th- Miles for Mainspring Launch Day

Monday- February 14th – Day 1 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 1 raffle winner announced Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 15th – Day 2 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 2 raffle winner announced Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday- February 16th – Day 3 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 3 raffle winner announced Thursday afternoon.

Thursday- February 17th – Day 4 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 4 raffle winner announced Friday afternoon.

Friday- February 18th – Day 5 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 5 raffle winner announced Saturday afternoon.

Saturday- February 19th – Day 6 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 6 raffle winner announced Sunday afternoon.

Sunday- February 20th – Day 7 proof of steps due by 11:59pm. Day 7 raffle winner announced Monday afternoon.

Tuesday- February 22nd- Grand prize raffle winner for registrants who completed all 7 days, announced by afternoon

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  • #MakingMyStepsCount Printable Blank Sign:
  • Miles for Mainspring 2022 Printable Flyer:
  • Miles for Mainspring 2022 Social Media Posts:

December 2021 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: November 2021 – From our community supporters, to our parents and staff, Team Mainspring commenced the season of giving: Our school received a generous donation from the Fortegra Foundation that will support the major needs of the school and enhance the programming currently offered to students. Students planted their first seeds in the farmstand granted to the school by Lettuce Grow and Seeds of Change Therapy. Ms. Lindsay led her art students in making handmade soaps for our annual holiday Gift Grams project. HEAL Foundation, Champion Cycling, and community donors worked together to bring joy to our students after October’s tricycle theft, by generously donating replacement tricycles. Our students and their families came together for our Thanksgiving luncheon with the warm help of some of our parent volunteers. Mainspring is so grateful to our community, families, and staff for the many opportunities we are able to provide for our students thanks to their support, compassion, and generosity.


Saturday, December 4th- Saturday Service Day for “International Volunteer Day” (10:00am-3:00pm)


Monday, December 13th – Staff Holiday Bakeoff

Tuesday, December 14th – Staff Christmas Door Decorating Contest

Wednesday, December 15th – Schoolwide Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Thursday, December 16th – Polar Express Holiday Pajama Party

Friday, December 17th – NO SCHOOL FOR TEACHER PLANNING DAY/ Staff Holiday Party

Monday, December 20th – Friday, December 31st – NO SCHOOL for WINTER BREAK

Friday, January 7th- Signed Contract and Deposit Due for February 8-11 Intersession

Friday, January 14th- Full Payment Due for February 8-11 Intersession

Friday, January 28th – Special Olympics Flag Football (12:00-2:00pm, Volunteers needed 11:00-2:00pm)


Tuesday, November 30thFriday, December 31st – Giving Tuesday/ End-of-Year Fundraising. Parents may receive participation hours for funds raised or donated.

Saturday, December 4th – Saturday Service Day for International Volunteer Day. Volunteers will be needed to help sort and wrap student Christmas gifts, which will be distributed during the December 16th Polar Express event. Volunteers will also be needed to help address and pack donor Christmas cards and Gift Grams for mailing. All volunteers are asked to bring: scissors, tape, at least 2 rolls of wrapping paper, sharpies, (optional – gift label stickers and postage stamps). There may also be projects around the school needing completed (TBD).

Thursday, December 16th – Polar Express Holiday Pajama Party. Several volunteers will be needed to set up Christmas stations along the “train path” around the school. This event will be similar to Trunk or Treat, but parents can sign up for any of the optional table themes. More information on themes and this event have been sent out via email and Class Dojo!

Friday, January 28th – Special Olympics Flag Football. 15 volunteers will be needed from 11am-2pm at the duPont YMCA at 7373 Old King’s Rd. S., Jacksonville, FL, 32217. Volunteers will be assigned to manage different individual skills stations, log scores, and total scores. This is a great opportunity for an employee volunteer project. Please email Peyton Esparza at [email protected] if you may be interested in volunteering.

Parent-led Fundraiser Planning – Parents may receive participation hours for raffle prizes and sponsorships secured for the February parent fundraiser.

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

Mr. Casey
December 7th

Ms. Stephanie
December 12th

December 13th

December 22nd

Ms. Peyton-
December 29th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

November 2021 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: October 2021 – Our staff and students explored their imaginations with a whimsical month of dressup days all month long – From a “blast to the past for National Back to the Future Day, to Mismatch Monday, Twin Tuesday, Pajama Day, Plaid Day, and Halloween costumes for our annual Trunk or Treat event. We are excited for the fun and eventful holiday season to come!


Monday, November 1st – School T-Shirt orders with cash or checks, due to Ms. Peyton no later than 2:45pm

Wednesday, November 17th- Vision is Priceless student vision screening (9:30am-11:00am)

Wednesday, November 17th – Christmas Card Art Contest Pieces Due

Friday, November 19th – Thanksgiving Luncheon (Details coming soon!!!)

Monday, November 22nd – Friday, November 26th – SCHOOL CLOSED to staff and students for Thanksgiving Break

Friday November 26th-Monday, November 29th – Black Friday/Cyber Monday -Don’t forget to make your purchases from smile.amazon.com and choose Mainspring Academy as your charity so that a portion of your purchase will be donated to our school!

Tuesday, November 30th – Giving Tuesday Launch

Saturday, December 4th – Saturday Service Day for International Volunteer Day

Monday, December 13th – Staff Holiday Bakeoff

Tuesday, December 14th – Staff Christmas Door Decorating Contest

Wednesday, December 15th – Schoolwide Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Thursday, December 16th – Polar Express Holiday Pajama Party

Friday, December 17th – NO SCHOOL FOR TEACHER PLANNING DAY/ Staff Holiday Party

Monday, December 20th – Friday, December 31st – NO SCHOOL for WINTER BREAK


Wednesday, November 17th – Vision Screening. (2) parents needed from 9:30am-11:30am to help facilitate. Please email Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up, first come first serve.

Friday, November 19th – Thanksgiving Luncheon. (2) parents needed to assist with preparation, serving, and cleanup. More information on this event will be given via email and Class Dojo in the coming weeks.

Monday, November 29th – Christmas decorations. (2) parents needed to help decorate the lobby and put up the Christmas tree. Please email Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up, first come first serve.

Tuesday, November 30th – Friday, December 31st – Giving Tuesday/ End-of-Year Fundraising. Parents may receive participation hours for funds raised or donated.

Saturday, December 4th – Saturday Service Day for International Volunteer Day. Volunteers will be needed to help sort and wrap student Christmas gifts, which will be distributed during the December 16th Polar Express event. Volunteers will also be needed to help address and pack donor Christmas cards and Gift Grams for mailing. All volunteers are asked to bring: scissors, tape, at least 2 rolls of wrapping paper, sharpies, (optional – gift label stickers and postage stamps). There may also be projects around the school needing completed (TBD).

Thursday, December 16th – Polar Express Holiday Pajama Party. Several volunteers will be needed to set up Christmas stations along the “train path” around the school. This event will be similar to Trunk or Treat, but parents can sign up for any of the optional table themes. More information on themes and this event will be sent out via email and Class Dojo towards mid to late November!

Parent-led Fundraiser Planning – Parents may receive participation hours for raffle prizes and sponsorships secured for the February parent fundraiser.

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

November 10th

November 14th

Ms. Laney
November 16th

November 18th

November 18th

Amanda – November 19th

Ms. Paige – November 22nd

Mr. Dan – November 24th

Alex- November 25th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

October 2021 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: September 2021 – Our students celebrated National Day of Charity with a School Spirit Week in gratitude of all of our volunteers, donors, and Board of Directors. On Tuesday, students and staff wore green to represent their kindness and compassion and decorated each classroom door with kind messages. On Wednesday, they dressed as their favorite superheroes and received a special visit and storybook reading from Zone 2 of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. On Thursday, each classroom celebrated Team Player Day by wearing their favorite team jerseys; they also chose their favorite school vendor and completed a Kindness Project to send them. We closed out the week on Friday by celebrating the many cultures at Mainspring with a Diversity Day banquet which included a special visit from our Board of Directors.


Monday, October 11th – SCHOOL CLOSED to students for Teacher Planning Day

Tuesday, October 12th – Friday, October 15th – SCHOOL CLOSED to students unless enrolled in Intersession

Thursday, October 21st – Back to the Future Day. Students and staff are encouraged to dress like they’re in their favorite decade!

Friday, October 22nd – Each parent is asked to bring the equivalent of 50 pieces of Halloween candy by this date. Candy with nuts will not be accepted. We will also not accept candy that is expired, removed from original packaging, or easily twisted open (no Tootsie Rolls, twist-open lollipops, twist-open mints, etc.) Ms. Amy, Evie, Michelle, and Lisa’s classes, please send gluten-free candies (Skittles, Swedish Fish, Airheads, Sour Patch, etc).

Saturday, October 23rd – Saturday Service Day for “National Make a Difference Day”.

Monday, October 25th-Friday, October 28th – FALL FESTIVITIES WEEK

Monday, October 25th- Mismatch Monday – Staff and students are welcome to dress in mismatched clothing!

Tuesday, October 26th –Twin Tuesday– Students and staff are welcome to pick someone (student or staff) to dress alike.

Wednesday, October 27th – Pajama Day

Thursday, October 28th – Plaid Day and School-Wide Fall Field Trip (pending COVID status) – Staff and students are welcome to wear flannel/ plaid. Typically, we schedule a school-wide field trip to a farm or corn maze.

Friday, October 29th – Trunk or Treat – Students and staff are welcome to wear Halloween costumes! Parents, please send your child with a bag or candy bucket! Several parent volunteers will be needed to use their creativity skills to decorate their vehicle trunks to distribute candy to the students.

Monday, November 1st – School T-Shirt orders with cash or checks, due to Ms. Peyton no later than 2:45pm

Wednesday, November 17th- Vision is Priceless student vision screening (9:30am-11:00am)

Friday, November 19th – Thanksgiving Luncheon (Details TBD)

Monday, November 22nd – Friday, November 26th – SCHOOL CLOSED to staff and students for Thanksgiving Break

Friday November 26th-Monday, November 29th – Black Friday/Cyber Monday -Don’t forget to make your purchases from smile.amazon.com and choose Mainspring Academy as your charity so that a portion of your purchase will be donated to our school!

Tuesday, November 30th – Giving Tuesday Launch


Silent Auction – Our teachers have put together a silent auction to go towards their fundraiser for playground equipment. Please click here to participate!

Saturday, October 23rd- Saturday Service Day for “National Make a Difference Day”. – Volunteers will be needed to help touch up the school! This is a great opportunity for anyone that needs to make up parent participation hours or get a head start on yours for the upcoming school year. It is also a great opportunity for any families with employee, mission, sport, school, or other groups that need volunteer credit. In addition, we get many comments from parents who enjoy the opportunity to get to know other parents and staff and build a sense of community. We highly encourage families and staff to attend. Help will be needed in general school cleaning and organizing, painting, moving furniture, building furniture, patching holes, minor repairs, hanging décor, and helping any teachers who may need it in their classrooms. A lot more work inside the building will be needed than the last service day in April! Future Saturday service days will be scheduled for: 10/23 for National Make a Difference Day, 12/4 for International Volunteer Day, and 4/23 for National Volunteer Week.

Thursday, October 28th – Fall School-wide Field Trip (pending COVID-19 status). Parents are welcome to earn participation hours by assisting with this event. Please keep in mind that hours are not given for chaperoning. Parent volunteers will be assigned to specific roles and tasks to assist teachers.

Friday, October 29th – Trunk or Treat. Several parent volunteers will be needed from 11:30pm-1:30 to decorate their vehicles and distribute candy. If you will be participating, please contact Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up!

Wednesday, November 17th – Vision Screening. (2) parents needed from 9:30am-11:30am to help facilitate. Please email Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up, first come first serve.

Monday, November 29th – Christmas decorations. (2) parents needed to help decorate the lobby and put up the Christmas tree. Please email Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up, first come first serve.

Tuesday, November 30th – Friday, December 31st – Giving Tuesday/ End-of-Year Fundraising. Parents may receive participation hours for funds raised or donated.

Parent-led Fundraiser Planning – Parents may receive participation hours for raffle prizes and sponsorships secured for the February parent fundraiser.


Show your Mainspring Pride and support our school with a 2021-2022 school t-shirt! Ms. Peyton will be taking orders until no later than 2:45pm Monday, November 1st, 2021. Sizes come in Youth Small, YM, and YL, Adult Small, AM, AL, AXL, A2XL, and A3XL. Youth t-shirts are $20 and Adult $25! The t- shirts are 60% cotton and 40% polyester in a dark navy blue. If you would like to purchase some, please email Peyton at [email protected] or order at the front desk. Cash or checks only by no later than November 1st, 2021! (Once they come in, they must be picked up or we can send them home with a student or staff member. We unfortunately cannot ship them.) Thank you so much for your support!!!

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

October 1st

October 10th

Ms. Jen W.
October 13th

October 15th

October 24th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!

September 2021 Newsletter

MAINSPRING ACADEMY: August 2021 – After a busy planning week preparing our classrooms and thanks to the help of our wonderful parent volunteers, our students had a productive, engaging, and well-adjusted first month of school. Students have even had the opportunity to enjoy the return of programs such as art, yoga, music, and Food Truck Fridays!


Monday, September 6th – SCHOOL CLOSED

Wednesday, September 8th – Signed Intersession Contracts and Deposits Due

Tuesday, September 7th – Friday, September 10th – MAINSPRING SPIRIT WEEK

Tuesday, September 7th – Show Your Kindness Colors. In color psychology, GREEN symbolizes compassion, nurturing, and kindness. Students and staff are encouraged to wear green in honor of the kindness of our donors, volunteers, and Board. Staff will decorate their doors with a green theme.

Wednesday, September 8th – Superhero Day. Students and staff are welcome to dress like their favorite superheroes! The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office will be visiting the school beginning at 10am and a special guest will be stopping by to read the students a superhero story at 1:00pm.

Thursday, September 9th – Team Player Day and Kindness Challenge. Students and staff are welcome to dress representing their favorite sports teams! Each class will complete their kindness challenge in honor of the kindness of our donors, volunteers, and Board.

Friday, September 10th – Diversity Day. Students and staff are encouraged to dress in traditional clothing and bring in their favorite dish from their family’s country of origin. Our Board will be joining us from 11am- 1pm to celebrate the many different cultures of Mainspring!

Monday, September 13th – Intersession Full Payments Due

Wednesday, September 15th – School T- Shirt Order Forms and Cash/Checks Due from Staff and Students.

Friday, September 17th – Jaguar Spirit Day. Staff and students are welcome to celebrate the Jacksonville Jaguars’ Homecoming Game by wearing their favorite Jags apparel.

Friday, October 8th – Special Olympics Basketball (pending COVID status) (12:00pm-2:00pm), duPont Family YMCA 7373 Old King’s Rd S, Jacksonville, FL, 32217

Monday, October 11th – SCHOOL CLOSED to students for Teacher Planning Day

Tuesday, October 12th – Friday, October 15th – SCHOOL CLOSED to students unless enrolled in Intersession

Thursday, October 21st – Back to the Future Day. Students and staff are encouraged to dress like they’re in their favorite decade!

Friday, October 22nd – Each parent is asked to bring the equivalent of 50 pieces of Halloween candy by this date. Candy with nuts will not be accepted. We will also not accept candy that is expired, removed from original packaging, or easily twisted open (no Tootsie Rolls, twist-open lollipops, twist-open mints, etc.) Ms. Amy, Evie, Michelle, and Lisa’s classes, please send gluten-free candies (Skittles, Swedish Fish, Airheads, Sour Patch, etc).

Saturday, October 23rd – Saturday Service Day for “National Make a Difference Day”.

Monday, October 25th-Friday, October 28th – FALL FESTIVITIES WEEK

Monday, October 25th- Mismatch Monday – Staff and students are welcome to dress in mismatched clothing!

Tuesday, October 26th –Twin Tuesday– Students and staff are welcome to pick someone (student or staff) to dress alike.

Wednesday, October 27th – Pajama Day

Thursday, October 28th – Plaid Day and School-Wide Fall Field Trip (pending COVID status) – Staff and students are welcome to wear flannel/ plaid. Typically, we schedule a school-wide field trip to a farm or corn maze.

Friday, October 29th – Trunk or Treat – Students and staff are welcome to wear Halloween costumes! Parents, please send your child with a bag or candy bucket! Several parent volunteers will be needed to use their creativity skills to decorate their vehicle trunks to distribute candy to the students.


Teacher Fundraiser Nights – Parents may receive (1) participation hour per night for attending a teacher(s) fundraising night! A percentage of proceeds from meals will help our school towards our Fall staff-led fundraiser for playground equipment.

Sunday, September 12th – Ms. Michelle’s Fundraiser Night– Smoothie King (4:00pm-9:00pm), 550 Durbin Pavilion Dr. 20 RSVP’s needed in order for the event to take place. Please RSVP HERE and attend!

Tuesday, September 14th – Ms. Paige and Ms. Amy’s Fundraiser Night – Chipotle (5:00pm-9:00pm), 4865 Towncenter Pkwy Ste 1. You can also order online on this date and within this time frame with the promo code W9QV2W4 . $150 in total sales are needed for the restaurant to donate to the school.

Friday, September 24th – Mr. Dan’s Fundraiser Night – Flame Broiler (4:00pm-9:00pm), 7159 Phillips Hwy. 20 RSVP’s needed in order for the event to take place. Please RSVP HERE and attend!

Parent-led Fundraiser Planning – Parents may receive participation hours for attending the Zoom parent-led fundraiser meeting on Monday, August 30th at 5:30pm and any subsequent independent arrangements and planning.

Friday, September 10th – Mainspring Spirit Week Diversity Day – Volunteers will be needed to bring in food from their countries of origin to help celebrate the many cultures of Mainspring Academy. Staff and families, please sign up HERE to indicate the dish you will be bringing. We will also need parents to help serve to students!

Friday, October 8th – Special Olympics Basketball (pending COVID status). 12-15 volunteers will be needed to run each station and calculate scores. Volunteers must be at the location no later than 11:00pm and help with cleanup at 2:00pm. Please contact Sabrena at [email protected] if you or your group are interested in helping!

Saturday, October 23rd- Saturday Service Day for “National Make a Difference Day”. – Volunteers will be needed to help touch up the school! This is a great opportunity for anyone that needs to make up parent participation hours or get a head start on yours for the upcoming school year. It is also a great opportunity for any families with employee, mission, sport, school, or other groups that need volunteer credit. In addition, we get many comments from parents who enjoy the opportunity to get to know other parents and staff and build a sense of community. We highly encourage families and staff to attend. Help will be needed in general school cleaning and organizing, painting, moving furniture, building furniture, patching holes, minor repairs, hanging décor, and helping any teachers who may need it in their classrooms. A lot more work inside the building will be needed than the last service day in April! Future Saturday service days will be scheduled for: 10/23 for National Make a Difference Day, 12/4 for International Volunteer Day, and 4/23 for National Volunteer Week.

Thursday, October 28th – Fall School-wide Field Trip (pending COVID-19 status). Parents are welcome to earn participation hours by assisting with this event. Please keep in mind that hours are not given for chaperoning. Parent volunteers will be assigned to specific roles and tasks to assist teachers.

Friday, October 29th – Trunk or Treat. Several parent volunteers will be needed from 11:30pm-12:30 to decorate their vehicles and distribute candy. If you will be participating, please contact Sabrena at [email protected] to sign up!

Parents, if you have not already, please join our MSA Parent Support Facebook Group here. Please join our MSA Community Group for volunteer, sponsorship, and donation opportunities here.

September 4th

September 10th

September 11th

September 13th

September 15th

Ms. Kim
September 16th

September 22nd

Ms. Jenn
September 29th

Click here to view the schedule!


If you are interested in donating to our school, please click here. For our community supply wishlist, please click here. For our Amazon wishlist, please click here. Give us a call at (904)503-0344 or email our Director of Student and Community Affairs Sabrena Snow at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a tour of the school!